iPhones are the paedophile’s tool of choice
Published in Cloud

Under-reporting cases

The fruity cargo cult Apple has been accused of underreporting kiddie porn cases it finds on its iCloud.

Google Cloud’s biggest blunder
Published in Cloud

Deleted a major customer’s account

Google Cloud accidentally deleted a giant customer account, along with its back-ups for no reason.

Big Blue in "Big Iron" dust-up
Published in Cloud

Wants to stop a cloud service 

IBM is in court to halt the operation of a cloud service that allegedly infringes upon its mainframe intellectual property.

AMD's silicon surge
Published in Cloud
17 April 2024

AMD's silicon surge

Tensorwave says AMD does better than Nvidia and cheaper

TensorWave, a burgeoning bit barn enterprise, has recently installed systems powered by AMD's Instinct MI300X, which it intends to lease at a cost significantly lower than that of accessing Nvidia accelerators.

Microsoft and Openai's €100 billion data center dreams
Published in Cloud

Stargate supercomputer coming"

Software King of the World Microsoft and OpenAI sidekick are teaming up to build a €100 billion data centre featuring a "Stargate" AI supercomputer.